Thank you, David. This strikes me as a good faith response even though we are not in a agreement. I appreciate your point about the danger faced by Jews, now and throughout history. I will just respond to your point about dhimmis, since I have researched that matter extensively and published peer reviewed articles and a book (published by Edinburgh University Press) that deals with this.
When we examine premodern historical contexts, the best way to understand them I believe is to compare what the situation was elsewhere in the world during the same period. So if you look to Europe and compare the status of Jews there with their status as dhimmis (this label was applied to Christians and Zoroastrians too by the way--in no sense was it specific to Jews) there is a strong scholarly consensus that the best place in the world for a Jew to be was in the Islamic world, be it the Ottoman or earlier Muslim empires. Plenty of Jewish scholars confirm this account. See for example the writings fo Marc Cohen of Princeton, Shelomo Dov Goitein, & Milka Levy Ruben of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem
I respect your point of view and know we may not agree on much but I would encourage you to look at this scholarly literature, as it might give you hope for a peaceful future between Muslims and Jews. I worry that your sources may not be very objective regarding the dhimmis, so I would encourage you to look more deeply into this history. I know I was surprised by what I found.